Sunday, December 29, 2013

As the year comes to a close...

As the year comes to a close, I wanted to reflect on some things this past year & jot down my thoughts. This is a serious post and might get a tad emotional.

I have made it through another year of maintaining my weight & healthy lifestyle.
Last year at this time of year, I was about 150ish and had been maintaining there for most of the year. 150lbs was ok, but I had dreams of 140, which was half of my heaviest weight, being my goal. The last 5-10 pounds are always the hardest to lose & I know now that's not a lie. I never gave up the fight and I finally reached my goal of 140 pounds in July. But since then, the scale has settled  at 143-144ish and seems to be happy there. While the number on the scale doesn't always make me happy, I need to remind myself of a few things.
I have done great things this year. My year started off with excess skin removal surgery - removing excess skin (due to losing almost half my body weight) from my stomach & arms. And then I spent a few months recovering from that. I have worked hard on building & reshaping the muscles in my 'new' arms. And I have taken my running to a whole new level. I ran my first 5k in June and since then, I have run 13 races in 2013. (7) 5ks, (4) 10ks, (1) 1/2 marathon relay - 8.1 miles and (1) 5 miler. And I am now a month away from running my first half marathon!  I am pretty sure that I have more muscle in my legs now - while my legs haven't changed much in size, but they definitely seem more muscular & strong. Therefore, I need to stop being so hard on myself over 3-4 pounds... because that is probably muscle gain.
I'm living a healthy, active lifestyle, eating right and maintaining my current weight. It's not always an easy thing to do, but the more time that goes by, the more I never want to go back to the way I was and will continue to keep this up.
I still don't have the 'perfect' body or even a typical 'runner's body'. but I have MY body. And I need to remember that this is who I am and be proud of it.

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