Friday, January 3, 2014

Ringing in the new year!

I ran my first run of the new year today to earn my "In with the New Year" 5k medal from Jost Running. It had to be inside on the treadmill because we got 2 feet of snow last night (how dare mother nature! lol).
Whenever I run on the treadmill, I tend to run slower than when i do outside, I guess I'm better at pacing myself than keeping up with the steady treadmill pace. Anyway, I decided to try to push myself a little bit and see how fast I could go on the treadmill and I ended up getting my best 'treadmill pace' to date! Woo hoo, what a great way to start off the new year, especially since I had to take a week off last week due to the holiday (scheduling conflicts) and then a horrible cold.

So anyway, I did my run on the treadmill today at the gym and when I got home there was a package waiting for me with 2 shiny medals!  So not only did I do my run today, but my medal arrived, too, and I got to put it right on!

My favorite is the 5k/10k medal (on the right) - the design of it is really unique with the crescent (glitter) moon and stars. And I like the silver, gold & black color  combination of both of them - very festive for a new year celebration!
the 5k/10k medal measures 3x3 inches. The 1/2 and full marathon one is 3.5x3.5 inches, aprox. And as the usual with Jost Running's medals, the ribbons are personalized as well.

After taking my picture with my newly earned medal, it went right onto my medal rack with the rest of my Jost Running medals - that section on my medal rack is always the most sparkly & shiny - there's so much glitter on these HUGE medals you need glasses to look at them. lol

I'll be earning the 1/2 marathon distance one soon! Don't forget to check back in a week or so & I'll post the results from the website to see where I stand against the competition

If the shoe fits...RUN! She Devil

I ran my first run of the new year today. It had to be inside on the treadmill because we got 2 feet of snow last night. I decided to go faster than I normally go on the treadmill and I got my best treadmill pace to date! WOO!