Thursday, February 6, 2014

We go together 5k

Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of posts lately. I've been on a slight running hiatus due to an injury.
I was able to do my Jost Running virtual 5k run for February -- We go Together -- last night and my medals came today!!

Let me start off by saying these medals are ADORABLE! Jost Running always has unique ideas for their medals, but I think this one is by far the cutest and most original.  My youngest 2 kids love bacon & eggs so I could be a bit partial ;)   Anyway, their original ideas, along with the size, detail & quality of their medals, the amount of glitter on the medals, printed ribbon, personalized bibs, and friendly hosts, they really stand out above the rest!

I know you're all dying to see these medals I'm raving so much about so here they are....

Cute, right?!

So now let's get to my run.
I pinned my cute personalized bib proudly on my shirt (I don't mind the weird looks from others at the gym, they probably all wish they could be as cool as me!) and headed to the gym to use the dreaded treadmill.  I love that my number was 22... that is a special number to me and also happens to be the first 2 numbers in my Princess Glass Slipper Challenge bib number =)
I hit the treadmill & finished in 35:08. That's a tad slow for me, but like I said, I'm nursing an injury so I had to take things a little slower than normal. 

Today, very conveniently, my beautiful medals arrived in the mail. More stunning in person than in the picture, if that's even possible. Since I earned my 5k medal last night, I put that on right away, I just couldn't wait to show it off!!

It's a salt & pepper shaker with glittery pepper & salt spilling out of them and "We go together" in PINK glitter (I love me some pink!!) with a matching pink ribbon.  And it's funny because I have a ton of Jost Running medals, but I just just noticed that they use a different font for the month & year on each of their ribbons  (the Jost Running part of the ribbon is always the same font), which is a nice touch!

These 2 medals will definitely make a great addition to my medal collection

I can't wait to earn the half marathon one with the plate of eggs, bacon & bread! Maybe I'll even celebrate by having bacon & eggs after my run ;)