Saturday, October 23, 2010

Why is it so hard?

Sometimes I ask myself why do I bother busting my butt to lose weight, especially with 3 kids... it's so hard & consumes so much of my time... some days I feel like just giving up (usually after a bad week). I could be using the time & energy spent on trying to lose weight and focus that on my kids.
But I know if I did that, I would never be completely happy with myself. I hate the way I look. I hate being fat. So instead I keep trudging along, no matter how many times I fall in shit, I have to brush myself off and keep going.
Why is losing weight so hard for me? Others make it look so easy. My body just sucks. It's broken =(


  1. You can do it! I know you can.
    It takes time, seriously! I know you are probably tired of hearing that but it really does.
    If you want to talk about what I did to help me lose weight I'd love to give you some tips and stuff. But do not give up!

    P.s. This is SabrinaLC from cafemom :-)

  2. Thanks Sabrina! I appreciate the encouragement!
