Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I went to Old Navy today and tried on a pair of jeans in a size 12.... they fit! They weren't too tight, they were just perfect! But, I didn't buy them. I'm trying to wait til I get to my goal weight to buy new clothes. I think it's a waste to spend money on new clothes when I'm only going to wear them for a few months.
But it still felt good to try them on & have them fit! That's an ego boost that I desperately needed!
But then... I looked at myself in the mirror & saw all my flaws and couldn't be happy anymore. My belly stuck out, my butts still too big,  etc.   If my hips weren't so wide, I would probably be in a size 8 right now. Ug, I hate my hips. I hate my whole body. =(

1 comment:

  1. be happy that you got into a size 12!!! look at the goods things! we're not perfect and aren't trying to be perfect but we're wonderful human beings trying to be better :D
