Saturday, September 7, 2013

Run to the Rock 10k!

When I choose a race to run, I tend to look for a race that has a cool aspect to it - last weekend it was running along the cape cod canal from bridge to bridge. This time, I got to run to Plymouth rock! Yes, THAT Plymouth rock!

I got a cool green bib. The first bib I've gotten that has been personalized with the race name on it & a different color than white.

The morning started off rather cool (a plus!), but was comfortable by the time the race started.
When the gun sounded, we started off running. I knew there was a major hill coming at the mile 1 mark so I decided to skip doing my 4:1 intervals for the entire first mile and save my walking break for the hill. It worked out great! I was able to run the entire first mile, stopped right as the hill started to get steep, walked for 2 mins and then took off running again when we got to the top.
I thought that was the only hill on the course, but to my dismay it wasn't, however the other hills on the course weren't nearly as bad and I was able to get through them with no problems.
The course was a very windy course through a bunch of neighborhoods. By mile 4, I was wondering where the water was. lol.
We stopped at a busy intersection and the police directing traffic made us wait over a minute before we were allowed to run again. I'm pretty bitter about that! Had I not been held up, I could have finished a minute sooner and gotten a PR! But I did the best I could to make up the time and just kept trucking along.

FINALLY, around 5.5, I could see the water! I started to pick up speed. I ran by lots of cute little shops - all of which were a blur (I later found out I ran by a cupcake charlies. how did I miss cupcakes? LOL) and then there was the finish line!
I crossed at 1:08:37 - 3 mins faster than last weeks time. I was extremely happy with that. I got an awesome medal with the Mayflower on it and then made my way to get some chocolate vitamin water (my favorite after run drink!) and some snacks. 

Then I took in the sights - saw Plymouth rock for the first time in my life (does anyone really believe that's the actual rock the Pilgrims stepped on? How does anyone know for sure??) and saw the Mayflower II in the harbor. 

Overall, it was a great race! I would do it again next year for sure!

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