Sunday, September 29, 2013

Rockin 'n Rollin in Providence!

I really wanted to do my local Rock 'n Roll 1/2 marathon, but I wouldn't be quite up to that distance in my training schedule yet, so my friend (who is running the Tinker Bell 1/2 with me) and I decided to sign up for the half marathon relay. It wasn't split evenly down the middle, so I volunteered for the 8 mile portion... I was feeling a little crazy, but up for the challenge.

We picked up our bibs the day before and checked out the expo. And because we were doing the relay, we also got drum stick "batons" to pass off to each other during the race (which we decided not to use)

I went to bed early the night before, because my "nice" alarm was set to go off at 4:55am, followed by a "mean", louder alarm at 5am. Luckily, I was able to drag myself out of bed at the 4:55 alarm and did not need the mean one to yell at me.
I got ready quickly and then stepped outside.... BRRRRR, it was freezing! Ran back inside to get a long sleeve shirt and then I was ready! Went & picked up my friend and then drove to Providence.

I was cold out, ok, freezing!... about 48 degrees, while I walked with my friend to the start line to make sure she was settled & ready.  And then I headed off to the bus stop. See, they don't provide us transportation to & from the relay transition point so it was up to us to provide our own. I opted to take the city bus (as advised by the RnR official people), which turned out to be an extremely hectic experience. I got to the bus station with plenty of time & started chatting with some other fellow 2nd leg relay racers.
As we stood around waiting for our bus, 5 mins, 10 mins, 15 mins went by... it was late! And we started to panic. What if we didn't make it to the transition point in time for our partners? Just as we were trying to decide if we should get a cab & split the cost, the bus showed up. And he was unaware that he had to take 10 (yes, only 10 out of 150... apparently everyone else decided to park near the transition point) people to a race and that streets were closed. Luckily we had an angel among us. She wasn't running the race, but she jumped on the bus with us & was able to navigate the bus onto the high way and around the city to the transition point.
And just in the nick of time too! As soon as I got there, I got a text from my friend that she was at mile 4 - only 1 mile to 'relax' from my hectic bus experience before it was my turn to run.

I had a blast cheering the 1/2 marathoners running by and listening to the band playing.
"Elvis" was at the relay transition point handing out medals to the relay participants as they finished their leg

A few minute later, I saw my friend running towards me. I said bye & good luck to my 2nd leg new 'bus riding' friends and took off! At first it felt a little odd to be joining the rest of the 1/2 marathoners so late in the race, but after a few minutes, I fit right in and the first mile passed in no time!  There was a band at every mile marker to keep us entertained.
I was also entertained by the signs I saw from spectators watching. Some memorable ones I saw were "Why do all the cute ones run away.", "Don't poop", "Nice legs", "Smile if you're not wearing any underwear" (ok, YOU try not to smile after reading that one)
The first 4 miles of my leg were pretty hilly. My leg was advertised as "relatively flat" LIES!!!!! ALL LIES! Around the 8.5 mile mark (my 3.5 mile mark), I approached what was told was the last hill and as I walked up the hill, I ditched my long sleeve shirt because I was nice & toasty, finally! But I knew that wasn't really the last hill - there was a small incline at the 13 mile mark - yup, they make us run uphill for the last tenth of a mile! But I would let it slide.... for now!

At the mile 9 mark, I realized my leg was half over already! It sure did pass by fast. And I knew i had to be on the look out for the 3 Little Pigs Challenge tent at the 9.8 mile mark to get my piggy medal. I definitely didn't have to look too hard - as the tent was easy visable with it's piggy balloons and pig mascot hanging out in the road. but boy was I surprised when the lady handed me a HUGE medal... well, 2 of them actually, because my friend did the challenge too & I was picking up for her as well. I stuffed one into my ifitness belt, which almost didn't fit, and then hung mine around my neck. Let me tell you, that medal was big, HEAVY (I had to run 3 miles with it!) and sparkly. I LOVE IT!

The last 3 miles mostly consisted of a big loop - which I wasn't too thrilled about, but it turned out to be no big deal at all. I normally don't like to run loops because it makes me want to cheat & cut across to the other runners coming at me. lol. But I didn't cheat, I promise - you can even check my Garmin!

The last 3 miles were filled with photographers snapping pics every where i looked. I felt like I was being chased by the paparazzi!
As I was closing in on the 13 mile mark, I ran by the bus station and laughed... how ironic that I had come full circle! A few young kids, about the same age as my kids, were on the sidewalk waiting anxiously to see their parents go by. They gave me a high five as I ran by and it almost felt as if my kids were there cheering me onto the finish.
Up the small incline and then there was the finish! and I saw my friend off to the side cheering me on as I passed by her to the finish where I thrust my hands up in the air in victory - something I've felt cheesy doing at the finish line in past races, but not this time!

I got my medal and then had water, chocolate milk, bananas, protein bars, etc shoved at me from every side. I grabbed what I could, posed for a picture and then headed off to find my friend & relax for a minute. 

Overall, apart from the almost sticky bus situation, it was a great race... hills & all. I want to do it again next year & i plan on doing the entire half myself!

My hard earned bling

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