Sunday, September 15, 2013

Hang 10!!

While searching online for races that give cool medals, as I do from time to time (ok... several times a week! LOL) I found a half marathon in the local area that has a surfboard shaped medal.
I'm not quite up to the milage for a half marathon yet, so I thought a lot about it - I could run as much as I could and then walk the rest. But then I found out that they had a 5k (new this year) and that gave a super cool medal too.
Phew, I was saved from doing a 1/2 marathon! And now my son could do the 5k with me.

So today, my son and I participated in the Surftown 5k race. It was an early & chilly (4:30 am) wake up call, but my son who is 7 did great! He loved watching the sun rise! The start of the race took place guessed it, the beach! So after we checked in and got our bibs, we took the opportunity to check out the beach and take some photos with the ocean behind us.

At 8:00 am (a half hour late) the race started for the half marathoners. It was pretty neat watching them all take off, as I'm usually in the crowd of runners, not watching them. Then about 10 minutes later it was our turn to get started. We started off towards the back of the pack but weaved our way up to about the middle of the pack.  We ran by a couple of cute beachy stores and restaurants and the smell of bacon wafted out of one of them and made our tummies grumble. The course was a flat, scenic 3 miles along the shoreline.
My son kept up a great pace, and didn't complain once about all the running.
We crossed the finish line together at 35:17 and were presented with our medals - cool boogie boards! I was still jealous of the surfboards, the but boogie board would do... for now, at least!

We walked over to grab some refreshments and checked out our official finish time - just to find out that my son came in 3rd in his age group. So we stuck around for the awards - which was a cool Surftown visor.

By the time we headed home we had been up for 6 hours already and were pretty exhausted, but overall we had a blast! I really enjoy running races with my son and I'm so very glad & blessed to be able to share these experiences with him.

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