Sunday, February 3, 2013

PO day 13

Aside from the minor, constant discomfort of all the incision sites (not to mention that they're starting to get itchy), I'm feeling tons better today I'm really itching to get back into an exercise routine, even if it is just walking for now. I don't like being so sedentary. I'm going to the doctors tomorrow so I might mention it. He'll probably say no, especially since he already thinks I'm doing too much too soon. But he was the one that told me most people go back to work after a week of this type of surgery. so..... I have noticed that in the morning, my stomach is always super flat & by night time it's swelled up quite a bit. I don't see any pockets of swelling (like at first), just an overall swelling of the entire area. I've heard the swelling can continue for up to 12 months or even 18 months. =/ And I also need to ask him if it's ok to start massaging my arms and what I can use on the scars to make them soften up faster. It's annoying to have to walk around with my arms away from my body because I still can't lay them completely flat against my body. And lastly, a note to self... I need to drink more water! I have really really slacked off on drinking water these past few weeks... partially because at first, it hurt too bad to get off the couch & pee frequently. lol. Water is the only thing I drink. And I've barely been managing to drink 1 bottle (16 ounces) a day. That's really low compared to what I used to drink - 80+ ounces a day. So I've got to step it back up& start drinking more!

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