Saturday, August 31, 2013

Cape Cod Canal 10k

I ran my official first 10k today. I ran it with my mom - we both needed to get a proof time for the Disney Princess 1/2 marathon. 
I asked her if she wanted me to stay with her the entire time. At first she said I didn't have to & that she didn't want to hold me back. But she kept up the entire time! And it made the time pass more quickly running with someone. 
Here we are before the start of the race. That's the beautiful Bourne bridge in the background.

The race started at the Bourne bridge and went along a bike path to the Sagamore bridge and then back.  Here's a picture of the Bourne bridge before we  started the race. The Sagamore bridge actually looks exactly the same, but at the other end of the canal!

It was muggy out (100% humidity) but the canal was a beautiful place to run. We were at about 2.5  miles when we started to see a few people already on their way back. There was one guy, who as he passed us, said "Good job! Keep going. You're almost to the turn around." It was really nice & motivating to have another runner cheering us on.
When we finally hit the 3.1 mile mark & turned around, we were going head on into strong wind. It slowed us down a little bit, but we pushed forward, determined not to be last!
We made a game out of counting how many people were behind us - atleast 30 or more. We were happy about that - we just didn't want to be last. lol

We finished the race in 1:11! I was hoping for 1:09 but that will do!!
And we earned a medal - my very first, official, non-virtual, race medal!

After the race we picked up some treats - Zico dark chocolate coconut water. It was amazing! 120 calories for the bottle (probably half the calories of chocolate milk),  helps you recover from your workout faster & cures a sweet tooth... a win, win, win! It might be my new go-to post race item!
And we also had some Raw Rev 100 snack bars and Larabar Uber bar.  The Raw Rev 100 were weird looking but tasty. I heard someone say it looked like animal feces - it kind of did. lol. They're gluten free, dairy free, vegan, no gmo, organic nutrition.
The uber bars were yummy too.

And because I have SO many virtual race medals piling up on my desk needing to be earned, I piggy backed earning a virtual race medal today as well - the Peaceful Warrior medal. I absolutely love this medal! Hibiscus flowers are my favorite flowers and I love how there are so many different colors in the medal - each one is different & unique!

And that's my CCC 10K shirt I'm wearing (after a well deserved shower!)