Thursday, July 21, 2011

New plan

I am currently 5 pounds away from my lowest weight ever (my pre-pregnancy weight from my 1st son) and my body was soooo different then it is now. Everything was firmer, trimmer, toner, etc. And I think that part of it was that I was working out every day, sometimes twice a day. I would do either the treadmill or elliptical during my lunch break (my office had a little gym in it) and then when I got home I did my Firm videos. Now, I don't think that is do-able with my lifestyle now (3 kids). But I really do need to start doing the Firm videos again. I think they will really help me trim down some areas.  the Firm vidoes mixes cardio with weight training which I NEED for my arms & legs.
So now I need to figure out when & how. I think I will continue to do the treadclimber 3x a week in the mornings. but I will try to do the Firm videos 2x a week at night, but for the next few weeks I will have to work it around Ryan's soccer schedule, which is fine.  Then in a month when Ryan starts school, I can do the Firm videos in the afternoon when he's in school & the other two are napping
Hopefully I will be feeling better by Monday so (have a little cold) I can get get into my new routine!

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