Thursday, July 14, 2011

go go go!

this week has been non-stop crazyness. And most nights this week I've been up til 12 or 1 am finishing things up that I didn't get to do during the day and even then, there's still a ton of things I didn't get a chance to do.
I've been meaning/needing to go grocery shopping for days now, but I can't seem to find the time.... that's how crazy busy it is. maybe tomorrow? lol

I better have a loss this week. I have a very bad feeling about it though.  I've exercised on my new treadclimber a few times this week & have been strict with my diet..... but I did the same thing last week (walking instead of the treadclimber though since I just got it last friday) and didn't lose anything, so i'm thinking I probably won't lose again this week. I seem to be stuck. maybe my gut feeling is wrong though (hoping) and maybe I will have a loss. I guess we shall see in 2 days.

I also completed my 2nd wrap today on my belly. The defining gel worked wonders in just 2 days on my calves that I was really hoping the 2nd wrap would bring even more amazing results to my belly, but I'm not losing a ton of inches like I had hoped. My friend that introduced me to these wraps lost 8 inches on her belly after only 1 wrap and I only lost like 3 inches. I know, I know, everyone is different. I met a distributor in our little 'distributors group' who said that it took her 4 wraps to see results. I mean, I am seeing some progress, it's just slower then I would have hoped. And my belly is big & oddly shaped so I'm thinking that is probably why it's taking a little longer.  Or I could be losing inches, just not in the places I'm measuring, if that makes sense. lol
I think the next time I wrap i'm going to do my arms.  I'll try something smaller and then go back to my belly (but I'll keep doing the defining gel on my belly in the mean time ofcourse).  And I really want to do my thighs. and my love handles too! It just stinks that I have to wait 72 hours in between each wrap. it makes the process seem even longer. I want results NOW! I'm too impatient! LOL

1 comment:

  1. good luck. looking forward to seeing how it works for you
